Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Post-it Colleague Care Kit

The Post-it Colleague Care Kit was designed with a dose of humour where the usual laundry icons were redesigned in the office politic context i.e "Do not Bitch". The entire campaign seeks to create a happier and fun workplace where they send motivation quotes to fellow colleagues who needs a perk up after a long day at work or when there is an unexpected situation at work. There are instructions on how to motivate your colleagues, a Post-it photo frame is inserted to take selfies and wefies and a positive log is curated at #postitforwardsg on Instagram!

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My dear toilet

By observing people's lives, social perspectives and personal values, photographer found that people’s subjective consciousness often influence their judgment. Therefore, they would like to subvert viewpoints with the work, in order to present the different side of it. Just like this artwork, the photographer created a new scene and new meaning is given to the toilet seat. By doing so, the photographer wants to convey the idea that external value of an entity doesn't mean everything.

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Johnnie Walker

・This pamphlet was created to be used by sales representatives from the out-of-store sales division at upscale department stores. It is a sales tool that explains the Johnnie Walker brand and the appeal of available products. We chose the leaflet/cards format because it allows the sales rep to only show the most appealing product to each customer.

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Moscow Symphony Orchestra

The horn and the violin in the logo symbolize brass and strings sections, together these sections constitute a symphony orchestra. The ribbon with the orchestra name on it represents artistic performance, the flowing ribbon made of music notes and conductor's stick are used as additional brand graphics across various touchpoints. The ribbon can take any form, abstract or resembling musical instruments (violin, harp, horn etc), while it is developing as a fabric of music during the concert.

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My Book

"My Book" calendar is much more than a mere calendar. It’s the year-end present that has become a traditional must-have thing for "Antalis" clients. A calendar has been created each year around varying themes, so the 2015 calendar transformed to a notebook-weekly planner with 2 goals in mind: to reflect on the question of time and to be inspired by weekly qoute of famous people. Simple and minimal design of the calendar was finished with a Japanese bookbinding. Black and white calendar is revitalized of brightly colored flyleaf's and two plastic book markers.

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Avenor College

Little London School grew up and felt the need to reflect that into a new identity. Their rebranding produced a new name and logo that appealed to students, parents, and teachers alike. Avenor means a road maker or a future maker, and the star-shaped logo represents the school community, with different individualities but sharing focus and goals. Adriana and Stefan Liute with Maria Dumitriu audited the brand and created its strategy, name, and slogan. Andrei Robu designed the new visual identity and its applications, while Alexandru Gugurel, Doru Sana and Stefan Gugurel designed the web site.

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