Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Parallel Universe… Is it really that hard to imagine? Another “Earth”? Throughout history, mankind has proven to be more self-destructive than constructive. This project is to illustrate the idea that somewhere there is a parallel universe, another human-like civilization, living in harmony with nature, and not using technology for personal gain. The visual objective was to mimic characteristics of renaissance paintings while illustrating a civilization from another world.

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This exhibition catalogue not only captures with tenderness the texture of decorative elements of traditional Chinese temples in glorious black and white, but also the scent of a temple. It is printed with special aroma ink to recreate the atmosphere of a temple. Through visual lens, the forgotten, the ordinary and the archaic are given stature in this catalogue. It invites readers to take a second look at the overlooked and be engaged through the senses of sight and smell as memories are evoked; new possibilities are imagined and personal connections are explored.

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“Base” is the name of a typeface conceived and designed by Franco Cervi. The project sums up a minimalist approach, formal rigor and an aptitude for experimentation. The original presentation brochure, besides showing the complete set of the designed characters – including glyphs – also illustrates their graphic personality, the constructive anatomy, the geometric ratios that generate the kerning. The appendix contains meta-graphic applications.

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Matchsticks Forest

The concept behind these posters that one tree makes a million matchsticks, one matchstick burns a million trees. Worthless left over matchsticks are the main afflatus in this work. An out of context visuals made of an unexpected substances. Each entity of a matchstick stands out as a distinct character, it resembles the shape of a living creature, which evokes simultaneously the essence fact that these matchsticks were originally part of a living being (Tree).

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Tasting through 24

This is a book of Chinese traditional foods, selected some stories by personal experiences about food and life. By using photos, contest and graphics, to show what I'm eating as a Chinese person and to tell some stories about food in my memories. They are also book marks made by spices, a poster, a handmade stamp, photo album and so on. Hope it may press Chinese cultures to who are interested in Chinese food.

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My dear toilet

By observing people's lives, social perspectives and personal values, photographer found that people’s subjective consciousness often influence their judgment. Therefore, they would like to subvert viewpoints with the work, in order to present the different side of it. Just like this artwork, the photographer created a new scene and new meaning is given to the toilet seat. By doing so, the photographer wants to convey the idea that external value of an entity doesn't mean everything.

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