Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Klammhoehe is the name of an Austrian mountain pass as well as of the restaurant located on its top. The aim was to develop a corporate identity for the restaurant and for its homemade products like pestos, jams, juices and salads. Only the best products find their way onto its tables. The menu selection follows the principle less is more. The identity is reflected also in the interior design. The home-made products are vividly colorful and sometimes they have interessting textures, so it was important that the packaging dont obscure the products.

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Blue Whale Café

The design of The Blue Whale Café was created as a motif to help the endangered species get closer to the people and spread awareness about how to save the ocean. The big idea of this branding is friendly educate moms and kids about ocean in daily life. Therefore designer focus on environmental friendly packaging using recyclable packaging materials and make them to visit more at The Blue Whale Café. It also help kids bring ocean conservation to their school. Moreover, The Blue Whale Café also supports organizations working to protect the ocean.

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The CITY is a calendar based on the motif of cities around the world. Assemble the parts to create colorful cityscapes filled with famous landmarks. The 2019 calendar features New York, Paris, and London. Quality designs have the power to modify space and transform the minds of its users. They offer comfort of seeing, holding and using. They are imbued with lightness and an element of surprise, enriching space. Our products are designed using the concept of “Life with Design”.

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E-commerce Backstage

1. Backstage Product: it is aimed at the traditional monotonous back-end products; 2. Emotional design: it added a story of hand-drawn illustrations in the traditional background user interfaces; 3. Scenario design: Design starts with a user role describing its ideal experience through a story. It describes a realistic user scenario.

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Fincap Law LLP

Fincap Law LLP is a law firm that utilizes automation as part of its service provision. This project aims to update their former conventional branded-logo into a stylized-contemporary theme. An attempt to provide a benchmark design for the legal & financial sector has also been made. The distinguishing factors of the project are informed and driven by the firm’s core values, these are continuous improvement, legal protection, and lastly networking, which have been meticulously infused into the design.

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The site is at the Keihin Industrial region in the outskirt of Tokyo. Smoke billowing consistently from chimneys of heavy industrial factories may depict a negative image such as pollution and materialism. However, the photographs have focused on the different aspects of the factories portraying on its functional beauty. During the day, pipes and structures create geometric patterns with lines and textures and scale on weathered facilities creates an air of dignity. At night, the facilities change to a mysterious cosmic fortress that of sci-fi films in the 80's.

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