Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Today Happiness

"Xi" has been the Chinese culture of congratulation, especially for the most important things in life, such as marriage. We put forward the brand proposition of "everything should be celebrated and everything should be happy" in the form of Chinese poetry, which means "life is full of joy, live with openness". The brand design extracts ancient Chinese elements, such as color, architecture and philosophy. Tonal with tradition red and the contrasting color with tide blue give priority to. Three product series, video, music and web together present brand.

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Graphic reduction and precision characterize the visual identity of the brand Wolffstrunk. The graphically reduced figure of the wolf functions as a basis for the visual appearance and as a new design mark within the corporate design system. Added to the figure of the wolf is the stylized shape of a drop. The reduced design mark follows the trend towards a simplified use of forms. The corporate design includes the design and concept of a composite mark, business documents, bottle labels, posters, postcards and a brand book as well as a short website animation.

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This series of self-expression was born not just to highlight the dynamism of COdesign’s identity but to also portray the team’s philosophy, beliefs, creativity and expertise. With a cohesive blend of design and psychology, the series communicates and reflects causes and movements, raises awareness and eyebrows, highlights noteworthy events and achievements, and celebrates people and culture through meaningful visual stories that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but are also enlightening and thought-provoking. Each piece has been meticulously conceptualized and executed for maximum impact.

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Lazarus Effekt

The three information graphics serve as a basis to introduce the topic of the Lazarus-Effect. They include "The Six Major Mass Extinctions", "Death Watch of the Species", as well as an information graphic of the "Local Fern Plants and Flowering Plants" (based on the Rote Liste, 2018). The Lazarus Effect is based on the theme of the Lazarus-Effect, as coined by paleontologist David Jablonski. This pertains to the unintentional rediscovery (by accident, through expedition or through relocation projects) of a previously lost or considered extinct form of life.

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Talking Peppers

Nus Nous photographs seem to represent human bodies or parts of them, in reality it is the observer who wants to see them. When we observe anything, even a situation, we observe it emotionally and for this reason, we often let ourselves be deceived. In the Nus Nous images, it is evident how the element of ambivalence turns into a subtle elaboration of the mind that takes us away from reality to lead us into an imaginary labyrinth made up of suggestions.

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The fine art and landscape photography series “Apex” reflects on the order and chaos within the natural organic forms and scapes, contrasting to the uniformity of social structures and routine lifestyles, and aims to displaying them through a setting that offers a sense of serenity and tranquility. The photographer believes that the facets of the mountain forms the perfect juxtaposition between ordered complexity and simplicity, establishing a different perspective on natural beauty.

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