Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Distortion Series

This series of book jackets focuses on the concept of distortion. Through each cover, this notion is represented in a different manner which includes physical, extraterrestrial, and mental distortion. Each form of distortion was generated based on subjects and themes throughout the novels. One novel is about a massive earthquake that cripples the land, another focuses entirely on the science of black holes, and finally the last showcases the destructive characteristics of amnesia. For each book, a prop was constructed and photographed, to give the illusion of depth on the front covers.

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Citroen in lines

This is a personal, non-commercial work, that aims to reveal the history of Citroen cars brand in a new and positive way. The design style is using only simple strokes to reveal the full forms and beauty of the cars, and not using any solid colors. The idea behind this design is to recreate Citroen cars history in an interesting and engaging way, so that not only a brand enthusiast would enjoy spending time browsing it. There are 70 different models covered in this project.

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Geometric Landmarks

This projects celebrates some of London and the world’s most icon buildings by reconstructing them using basic geometric shapes. Each building lends itself to a flow of triangles, squares and circles. Ben tries to imaging the building beyond its grey appearance and try to highlight each carefully planned aspect. The shapes and colour inject new life into familiar shapes and make you see them in a new light. The project is inspired by numerous African tribal patterns as well as the building's faceted features.

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The project was designed to create engaging photographs of selected AMG Mercedes Benz models within time restrictions and confined non-studio-like location with the goal of emphasizing car design, aesthetics and functional features using lighting and framing as creative photography tools. Being time effective while saving impeccable image look and quality was a first level priority for the photographer and his team. Refined lighting skills combined with high end professional tools have been essential assets for the final outcome delivering some 30 eye catching images in only 2 shooting days.

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Haezer is known for his solid bass sound, epic breaks with well polished effects. Its the sort of sound that comes off as just straight forward dance music, but on closer inspection or listening you’ll start to discover multiple layers of frequencies within the finished product. For the creative concept and execution the challenge was to simulate the audio experience known as Haezer. The artwork style is not at all the typical dance music style, thus making Haezer a genre of his own.

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SATA | BIA - Blue Islands Açor

The BIA is a local-bird symbol of the Atlantic Sky, which flies over thoughts and dreams over countries, a pilot of nature which transports people, memories, business and companies. At SATA, BIA will always symbolize the union of the nine islands of the Archipelago in one atlantic challenge: take the name of the Azores to the World and bring the World to the Azores. The BIA – Blue Islands Azores – a reinvented açor bird, rectilinear, inspired in the futurism of prototypes, built on its unique genetic code, as asymmetrical, distinct and colored as the nine islands of the Azores.

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