Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Violet Lips

Violet Lips is a picture created by Brazilian photographer Christian Jung to promote his studio website. It was designed to show his skills in beauty photography to people visiting the studio internet page. Colorful skin and lips make up art were the starting point. Dark background and colored back lighting were chosen to compose the image with high contrast. Soft face lighting was the option in order to make the model's skin and hair look vivid and yet natural. Violet Lips is a photograph designed to bring the viewers attention to details showing the photographer's own style of creating.

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Fresh grapes of Tuscany

The grapes of Toscany are famous because the wine. These photos are which taken with olio painting style and vintage elements for example the hand made lace textile, which shows more typical characters. And use color of antique olio painting, to create a relationship between art and comercial products photography.

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Dollar Chicken Rock Band

Dollar Fried Chicken is delicious and super juicy with secret sauce. The way you never tasted elsewhere. The consumers must be so touched by the wonderful taste of it. Besides that, the image of slobbery chicken is added, thus making the logo modern, fashionable, friendly and approachable.Adding dialogue elements to packaging design make a sense of reading comics when customers see the packages,also finding the resonance with the brand from consuming, and having more and more interesting interactive experiences.

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Taikin is a high-end Asian restaurant in the city of Doral, FL. The visual identity was developed through illustrations and graphic elements. The name of the restaurant is the Japanese word for “good fortune” and it’s also related to the Tanuki; an emblematic character on the Japanese mythology who represents prosperity and wealth. Based on that synergy, the concept brings to life the significance of both elements and creates the graphic story that represents it.

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Sharaku 3

Work exhibited at the Tokyo Design Week (not a competition) specialty category "Inspire Exhibition". The category that the selected people can exhibit, this theme is "Sharaku". Sharaku is a popular illustrator with many mysteries. The mystery is interpreted freely and expressed. Making footpack socks, making picture frames like the Kabuki mirror stand, styling and make-up, Sharaku may have been a woman. Under such a concept, expressions like fashion stories are characterized. It is finished in an experimental and impacting concept.

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Feiner Herr

The Corporate Identity "Feiner Herr" is like the product itself: the redefinition of tradition with a modern twist. The visual language is based on early 20th century design elements, contemporarily and minimalistic interpreted. Each modern translation of ornamental tiles is based on the original pancake recipes. It allows flexibility and in the same time continuity in the reinterpretation of the concept, following the regularly updated recipes. The chosen brand name "Feiner Herr" has two meanings in old German language and describes both a gentleman and/or a gourmet.

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Legendary designers and their award-winning works.

Design Legends are extremely famous designers who make our World a better place with their good designs. Discover legendary designers and their innovative product designs, original art works, creative architecture, outstanding fashion designs and design strategies. Enjoy and explore original design works of award-winning designers, artists, architects, innovators and brands worldwide. Get inspired by creative designs.

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