Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


100 Inspirational Quotes

This book is a compilation of 100 quotations that have been visualised and represented using typography, illustration, and graphic elements. These quotes were shortlisted based on their relevance to mindset. While such quotes abound as individual reminders, the aim of this book is to make this set of quotes available in an all-in-one package, presented in a way that captures the message in visual form and text form at the same time, and strikes a positive chord with the reader.

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Kaleido Mall

The Kaleido Mall provides numerous entertainment venues, including shopping mall, a pedestrian street, and an esplanade. In this design, the designers used patterns of a kaleidoscope, with loose, colored objects such as beads or pebbles. Kaleidoscope is derived from the Ancient Greek kalos (beautiful, beauty) and eidos (that which is seen). Consequently, diverse patterns reflect various services. Forms change constantly, demonstrating that the Mall strives to surprise and fascinate visitors.

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Pulse Pavilion

The Pulse Pavilion is an interactive installation that unites light, colours, movement and sound in a multisensory experience. On the outside it is a simple black box, but stepping in, one is immersed in the illusion that the led lights, pulsing sound and vibrant graphics create together. The colourful exhibition identity is created in the spirit of the pavilion, using the graphics from the inside of the pavilion and a custom designed font.

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Borandá is an initiative to encourage society to visit Atlantic Rainforest conservation units. Its name come from the Portuguese words Bora (informal for Let's) and andar (walk). Movement's visual identity combines colourful and organic shapes of nature with a modern-urban scenario, which is the context of the main audience – those who are not used to visit the units. Visual identity creates a path of trails and the line camouflages itself in illustrations in a playful message: to visit the Atlantic Rain Forest is to preserve it.

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Moscow Symphony Orchestra

The horn and the violin in the logo symbolize brass and strings sections, together these sections constitute a symphony orchestra. The ribbon with the orchestra name on it represents artistic performance, the flowing ribbon made of music notes and conductor's stick are used as additional brand graphics across various touchpoints. The ribbon can take any form, abstract or resembling musical instruments (violin, harp, horn etc), while it is developing as a fabric of music during the concert.

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Porcelain Nude

Yasumichi Morita's first photo exhibition was held in Paris. Themed on the concept of “Porcelain Nude”, not only photographs but also artworks collaborated with a French porcelain Bernardaud, original tables and chairs were exhibited. 21 photographs were finished in an atelie in France. All works were shot with Leica M9-P and Leica Macro-Elmar M F4/90mm.

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