Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine

Digital Artists Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney

Solving the Royal North Shore Hospital's wayfinding was not just about designing ‘better’ signs. Legibility, colour and graphics may be the necessary physical tools for a sign but it was the comprehension of their meaning that was important and how this was organised into a cognitive pattern of sign types. Clarity and directness of the wayfinding system is enhanced and enlivened by the use of colour utilised at each lift core as a wayfinding tool to correspond with vertical circulation. Visitors felt comfortable in their spatial environment, and were easily oriented and logically informed.

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Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business is a series of 3D holographic portraits have been created as 3D holographic lenticulars to create awareness of the high rates of disability in the Australian Aboriginal community and the complexity of the political and social history which impacts on the lives of all Australians. The exhibition has an app for people with sensory, cognitive and learning impairments which enables inclusive engagement of the project. The exhibition was shown at the United Nations in Geneva in 2013 and United Nations New York in 2014 and is now touring nationally.

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Design is

Design is…, project started with an exhibition during São Paulo Design Week 2016, the largest design festival in Latin America. A limited, numbered edition of the book with the same title was created in celebration of the fifth anniversary of the festival and officially released last November. Two hundred creators and creatures from the universe of Brazilian design, including curators, critics, journalists, entrepreneurs, executives, entity leaders, cultural agitators and, of course, designers, coined their own definition of what design is or can be, a very rich collection of ideas.

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Shining Passion

This shot Japanese fireworks' sparks remain in the night sky.It isn't always the same shape, depending on the wind on the day of launch.Fireworks with the fire original color were taken.As a result, it is finished in the photograph like Japanese lacquerware with gold leaf.This is also an artificial moment that the photographer predicted and calculated the composition how fireworks will rise, and a little coincidence or God's playfulness is also added.

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Artificial Realities

Artificial Realities, an exhibition of established and emerging artists, marks the 25th year since the inauguration of the East Wing Biennial. The exhibition identity, commissioned by the Courtauld Institute of Art (London) aimed to capture the essence of the artists exhibiting as well as the surroundings in which it was set. The identity graphically utilises the architectural elements of Somerset House merging with intricate graphic grids to create intrigue and uncertainty; this combined with clever use of typography and simple, yet bold colour scheme help evoke a strong exhibition identity.

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House of Escher

As a photographer, mainly working as an artist, I am looking for the the unusual to take the ordinary from reality. This minimal and beautiful staircase is inside the "Service Center for Students" at University of Cologne, designed by Schuster Architects. This is a very good example for my work: I am looking for the right angles to create pictures where the beholder stops and asks "What is ist? Where is it?". The mind-bending angles of the staircase, evoking the quetsions above, reminded me strongly of the surrealistic drawings by MC Escher, therefore the title.

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